Nanyang Polytechnic
in winning the cup for Aarathana ’08!
Coming in 2nd and 3rd are ITE Dover & Temasek Polytechnic respectively. Well done!
It’s been a good 2 weeks after Dhool and all excitement has seemed to die down. Well, we are back for a few post – Dhool blues. In attempt to get the top 3 teams closer to their fans and audience, we sent out different sets of questions to them; about their experience, about their lessons learnt, and more. We aren’t posting all their replies at once so do keep checking this space out to see your top 3 team's replies!
And today, we are ecstatic to feature:
Agni Reloaded
As everyone remembers, it was these boys who snatched the 3rd prize for Dhool ’08. Their charismatic boys, energetic moves and nose studs kept the audience wanting more. They have come a long way since we’ve first set eyes on them during Dhool ’06 and we sure are proud of these fella’s! Without further ado, lets ask them some spicy questions!
1. Out of the top 3 teams in Dhool ‘08, only AR has previously been in the Dhool that was held in 2006. What are the major differences that you boys have faced as a group then and now?
The standards of dancing has changed tremendously over the years. During the previous Dhool, it was all about dancing itself. As far as we can remember, judges were not really into themes, concepts or the usage of props. But for this year’s Dhool, what they wanted was totally different. It was all about themes, concepts and being different. All the groups have improved so much and their much more creative. During our Dhool journey, it was hard to cope up with other competitors as they come up with awesome ideas and costumes. Overall, Dhool 2008 brought dancing in the Indian society to another level.
2. As evident as it is, AR’s specialty lies in your capability to put in so much of energy for an item and hold it with stamina. Any secrets behind this?
The secret behind this is just practice. Practice practice and practice ! Like the saying goes, practice makes perfect. Dhool 2008 has been really hard for us as most of us are in camp. Due to this reason, you see lots of new faces in this years Dhool.
3. Now that Dhool is over, what are your future plans and could you guys give more details about the upcoming Asuraz Thillai?
We would just continue what we love doing. Dancing has been our passion all this 6 years. We don’t dance for passion neither do we dance for fame. Dancing is a common passion among all our dancers which bonds us together. Despite being 2nd runner up for Dhool 08, it makes us no different. We'll still dance for upcoming competitions and shows. As for Asuraz Thillai, it's a competition not organised by Agni Reloaded. It's a competition organised by Nanyang Community Club. Some of our Agni Reloaded members are just helping the organisation out. Asuraz would be held on Dec 13th 2008. Do look out for our guest performance on that day itself. And let us see who walks away with the 1.7m 1st prize trophy. :)
4. All throughout Dhool ’08 (and even during Danz Arena) speculation has been that Agni Reloaded was being backed up by a well known choreographer. Any comments on this?
Lets get this straight. We all know that the public thinks that Ramesh from Rameshwara choreograph for us. That is so not true. Ramesh and us are just good friends. We see him as a mentor and he's someone we look up to in the dancing industry. Our choreography has got nothing to do with him. It's a little disappointing for us when we put our own hard work and the public thinks that someone else is choreographing for us. Dhool was a hectic period for us. We faced all the hardship by ourselves. It's all of us who choreographs our items on our own.
5. Lastly, do you have anything to say to all your die hard fans out there?
We would really thank all of those who voted for us and supported us through out our Dhool journey. We gave our best and we hope we didn’t disappoint any of our supporters. We hope you guys would support us all the way. If it wasn’t for you people, Agni Reloaded wouldn’t be around. Spice up your life with Agni Reloaded!
Well there you have it! Straight from the horse’s mouth! We thank Agni in responding to our mail. We hope you guys had fun reading their comments!
2-3 days from now, the next post will be up and it will be featuring Enna Beez? So keep tuning in! Till then everybody!
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