Dhool 2008 Auditions
All we can say is, WOW. The bar has definitely been taken up a level compared to last years season. From 30 groups, it has been cut down to 20. The 20 groups who got in, you have our congrats with you.

We have never really understood this position in which people humiliate themselves in front of television viewers. As always, there were a few black sheep’s in this department this year. Please keep in mind that we are not targeting anyone in particular (unless we say so). These are just general comments.
First off, no one really bothers if you have an exam tomorrow, or your school's starting early the next day. You are young? SO? You want to join a competition? Then there are sacrifices to be made. Know what your responsibilities are and act according to them. Plus, it's not like the organizers didn't give you enough time to work on your piece. Don't ever, ever hide behind reasons for your dance not being at its full caliber. Seriously, do you think the judges would give 2 hoots if your tailor screwed up your costumes? That’s your 'pasal'. All the judges care about is your dance, and how you execute it. So please, do away with all the excuses.
Second, ok, this is going out to 1 particular group. AW 66. We want to say that your costumes are nice. They really are, at least better then some of the groups who got in. What we are gonna say next is only referring to one of the female members in the dance group. Honey, you've got to wear something that compliments you a little bit more. The editors were making a fool out of you because of your 'exposure'. It could be humorous for others, but definitely not for you. It’s not a nice thing being humiliated on air. So although we applaud you guys for your effort on your costumes, please rethink certain factors. And this goes out to the guy who told Vijayendran that he'll be back. We don't know about Vijayendran, but we are definitely waiting to see your group at next years Dhool (if they have one). You can sure bet on that. =)
Third, contesters should be more responsive to criticisms, rather then being more rebellious. After all, you are in this at your own accord. No one forced you to join. Its like, in school, your teachers/lecturers DO reprimand you even though you pay your school fees. Just because you are pay the school, it doesn’t mean that your teachers are indebt to you. Its the same thing here. You pay money to enter the competition to put yourselves on the map. At the same time, are you putting yourself on the map of criticisms as well. Its just part and parcel of how a competition should be.
Fourth, this is also going out to a group in particular. Navaethaz. We think it wasn't very nice of you to have pin-pointed another team (Anonymouz). Whatever it was, you shouldn't have said that on air. In our eyes, it only shows you as spoilt sports. C'mon girls, why do such a thing when everyone has one aim on their agenda: DANCE. So why put another group down, that too on tv? Tsk, it saddens us when such things happen. Even our Aarthiz girls were down to earth with their reply of what their opinions was on not getting in for Dhool 08. Quote: 'Its not about winning, its just about showcasing our talents, and that’s what we did'. Their positive outlook have won our hearts. (As a side not, we think that Aarthiz was actually not that bad and should have made it in as one of the top 20. Better luck next time girls.)

And as for your question on why known groups are taking part, we don't think that that should even be a question because we don't see NUS Vidiyal, Acidhouz OR Diversity trying out again. It's the groups who didn't get in top three that are giving it a shot again in hopes of winning the crown this time around. If you had thought that it was unfair that groups from last year were taking part (which is inevitable), then tell me this: why try out for Dhool 08? Teams are gonna keep trying till they get somewhere, right? All this aside, we know that it might have taken you some time to put the whole act together for the auditions. You guys were better then some of the other groups. So a big shout out to your girls. No hard feelings ladies.
Fifth and most lastly, a few small general comments.
You love dance! You live to dance! Dance runs in your veins! Dance is your passion! BUT:
1.) You look down at your feet when you dance! Do you have your steps written on your feet, just in case you forget? Or is it to avoid tripping? Machan's & Machi's! Dance pannumbothu audience'sae paarungo! Siringo! KUMMIYADINGO! But seriously, maintain eye contact with your judges/audiences, it can really help.
2.) You adjust your blouse, pants or even worse, HAIR when you dance. Pin up your clothes in position. And do your hair up in something that wont bother you later when you dance. Trust us, it will make a difference
3.) Your face is like this {-_-} throughout the dance. Then sometimes like this {^_^} Like for real. Haha. Try adding more expressions. We enjoy the dance even better when we see YOU having fun. So smile more. Show us that rotten teeth of yours. =D
Highlight of the highlight:
We don't how to put this in a more diplomatic way. As Vadi has put to light, Chakraz is a junior group of Sangeshtraz. Did you know that Ryyan Spencer Revolution is also a junior group; that of Rameshwara's? The reason being to why we are saying this is simple. Both Rameshwara and Sangeshtraz are mediacorp artists. And in our opinion it isn't fair if everyone knew only about Chakraz and not about Ryyan Spencer Revolution. Both these groups are pioneers in Singapore's indian dance culture and so we think it's only right if this fact comes to light.

So now the big question: Why have these 2 big groups sent in their junior batch? They have already achieved so much in television history. If you ask us, we think that these people are cutting the chances of individual groups from winning the trophy. But then again, whatever your experience or expertise, lady luck has to be by your side for all 3 weeks to get in. Lets watch and see if these groups do have what it takes to reach the finals. This is going to be a very, very interesting fight.
With that, we end Dhool 08 auditions review. We are totally ecstatic to watch the first quarter finals next week featuring:
1. Vedham
2. Chakras
3. Anonymouz
4. Tridiac
5. Version 2.8
Applauds to all the groups who gave an effort for the auditions, regardless whether you got in or not. And of course, all the luck in the world to the 20 groups who got in. A champion will emerge from these 20 groups. So, who do YOU have your bet on?
**Groups taking part in Dhool 08, please email us your group picture to dhaamdhoomdance@gmail.com. Especially the new groups. Let the readers have a closer look at all of you. Besides, you guys do deserve the recognition. Also, if anyone find the need to correct or add to whatever's written on this blog, you can drop us a mail too. We'll look into the matter for you. So don't be shy, let the mails roll in!
OUH OUH, one last thing. We reserve the right to publish the email WITHOUT asking for your permission if we think it is necessary. But please don't make us do that! Whatever it is, let’s all try and remain civil. Until the next post everybody!
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