Top 5
1st Chakraz
-Mega performance of the night! First and foremost, our heartfelt congratulations to Wheelz. You guys truly deserve the prized trophy! They executed the pongal celebration with pokiri pongal tremendously well. What an impactful performance! Totally loved the bull at the beginning, the platform at the side was very well utilized and the energy, simply superb. Definetly an improvement from Dhool 08’s pieces. One thing that we still recall was the extremely messy in their positioning but nope, not a dancer out of place for this piece! Truly an amazing feat accomplished by Chakraz. But why claim that the choreography was done by everyone when its not? Singapore has seen who’s truly behind Chakraz so we don’t think there was a need to have hidden that fact. The truth would have been much more pleasant to hear, but then again, that is your personal choice. Once again, CONGRATULATIONS CHAKRAZ!
2nd Warriors
-Excellent excellent entertainment material. This is what showmanship is all about. We could clearly see that they were having fun on stage and that made us have fun from where we were sitting on stage as well! Kudos Warriors, you guys have accomplished the skill of getting the audience engaged along with you! The only downturn for Warriors, we feel, was that there was not much of props used. The concept you told the audience before the dance was a “thiruvizha”, but we didn’t see any props that aided with the feel of the concept. We think that if there was the use of appropriate varieties of props you guys could have been on a tie with Chakraz. Everyone learns from their mistakes yes? Anyways, your team competed like true Warriors. Fabulous effort and spirit! Here is a question posed to our readers. If we happened to spot MR John with Warriors during the morning of the competition, does that mean MR John is behind them? We have no answers to that, but what do you think?
3rd RSR
-LADIES! Where do we begin! You ladies crushed competition during Danz Floor and honestly, we didn’t think you girls could top it off. But alas! You gorgeous girls have proved us wrong! The concept and performance put up was more ‘traditional’ compared to the top 2, but it was still captivating none the less. Ideas were very refreshing to watch! Choreography and co-ordination was simply awesome! We totally dig the Urumi Melam and when you girls lied down all of a sudden, we didn’t know what to expect. Your next move was the binding factor to seal you girls in the top 3. We even thought that you girls could have gotten 1st or even 2nd, but then again, top 3 must have felt pretty awesome as well! You ladies bring the saying ‘girl power’ to a whole new level. It wasn’t a mass but definitely a class performance by you girls. Mr John, you really make things happen! Kudos to you and your team.
4th Swastriyaz
-Swastriyaz. Sorry guys! When the hosts called out your name we were abit puzzled for a moment on which performance you guys did! Then it hit us. The “Meen Concept”. This was the group with the most beautiful props and costumes. We really have to appreciate the effort taken for that. You guys looked pretty with the makeup, costume and especially the fishes! Nice effort. But looking at the dance, we feel as though it didn’t hit the mark. First of all we felt that the whole dance was not entirely folk. The choreography was mostly fusion. We do commend the part that you guys tried to sync the lyrics with your dance but than again, we still feel it wasn’t folk enough. Maybe the judges decided to close one eye because this could be classified as semi folk? We aren’t too sure about that. But overall, the concept was good and performance was still top 5 worthy! So Congratulations fishy fellas!
5th Mega Geniez
- Give up for Mega Geniez who decided to have a change of costume and dance for Danz Arena! You know what fella’s? You guys gave justice to the phase ‘medaiyae kolithitenga!’. Totally awesome! Honestly speaking, we wanted to come up there and join you guys, it was that addictive! Kudos to the song DJ has edited the song very entertainingly and these guys managed to capture it through their comical choreography. But here comes the bad bit. Co-ordination and positioning was abit messy and off at times. The weakness lies in the fact that all the boys didn’t have the same amount of energy. Some were blasting, and sad to say, some pulled the group down. And of course, we noticed that there were no props used in the entire performance. Having said all that, it was none the less a decent performance to watch. Can we just add that we are really really REALLY glad you guys decided to have a change of costumes? We were expecting you guys to come dance in your very same outfit made for the previous dance. LOL! Kidding fella’s! Awesome job!
Pretty Boys
- Theres a huge commotion going on with these fellas. So many comments going around regarding why they did not manage to clinch top 5 and all. We are no expert but we can try breaking it down for everyone to see why they didn’t. First of all, what was their concept? When India meets China. Ok. They begun with their ‘Wushu’ routine symbolizing China and they suddenly cut into ‘Tamizhendra naan oru’ song with their Indian folk steps. So where was the meeting, the ‘fusing’ of the 2 elements? It seemed to us more like they did one segment, then they moved on the next. There was nothing bonding between the 2. Next, choreography and co-ordination with that many boys on stage were, sad to say fellas, extremely bad! Compared to what you’ve shown us during Danz Floor, which we fell head over heels in love with, this performance was indeed a disappointment. We were wondering if Pretty Boys could pull off folk and we think its safe to say that they cant. We truly think that these were the reasons why our Pretty Boys didn’t make it to top 5, but we can say that they gave a commendable effort with their props and even their concept. So give it up to them for their heart for dance, going through all that trouble to make their huge props and bringing in the dragon. Also, it isn’t an easy feat having that many dancers in a group, but you fella’s tried and we at Dance 2 This applaud you guys for the effort. Do not despair, our Pretty Boys, have faith and carry on the Passion. We still have our eyes on you!
Crew Voltage
-Tage Tage Crew Voltage! Electrifying! There is something about this team that we just cant figure out. They seem to have the X factor all the time. Energy was at 100% throughout the whole dance! Not to forget, wonderful usage of props! It was very creative of you guys to use props that were not too common. We really enjoyed the umbrella and ‘cooling glass’ part. Made us laugh, CV is totally infectious with their smiles and energy on stage. Just one question, directed to the fellas. Why blindfold and dance when you guys were still standing in the same place! Defeats the purpose doesn’t it? Perhaps moving in a risky formation while dancing WITH the blindfold would truly have been a tremendous feat, but that’s just what we think. And as always, lets not forget our beautiful ladies along side these comical boys. You girls were up to par on energy and everything else with the fellas so hats off to you girls as well. Ouh, can we just add that we totally dug the guy’s costume tops? Nice neckline! We commend the effort put in for your dance and you guys lived up to your name. Tage Tage Crew Voltage, keep it burning!
Kali Resurrected
- Heres a group with after-results commotion as well. It’s true that what Kali Resurrected performed was typically folk and they should be appreciated for that. The first thing that comes to mind when Kali is mentioned is the Folk Genre. We really had high expectations for this team of talented dancers. They did deliver an awesome piece as expected, complete with energy and stamina. But then again, was it just us or did we feel as though there was too much drama and dialogues involved in the dance? And also, something that puzzled us throughout the dance. Live props like the horses and kids, they were just there throughout the dance doing nothing but stand there! Incorporating them into your dance would have made it more pleasant to look at AND earn you guys some extra points. Oru kallulae rendu maanganu solluvaangalae? Athuthaan ithu! Nevertheless, it was still a very nicely done piece. Loved it! Keep the Kuthu up Kali!
One last point to note. Consolation was totally given in random order under this logic. Leaving the top 5 aside, consolation prizes were given from the ones who performed last to the ones who performed first. So groups that have gotten 6th to 16th position don't get excited or worried it was called out in the random order afterall. That should clear things.
YOU GUYS ROCKED THE FLOOR! WE FOR SURE MISS YOU GUYS IN THE DANCE SCENE! Thank you for giving us a power pack performance.
Mega Highlights
Did anyone manage to realize that the top 3 titles went to the top 2 Indian dance professionals in Singapore? Don’t get us wrong, we are not saying that they don’t deserve the top 3 positioning because truth be told they totally did. Infact there were actually on a league of their own. One step, one class, one world above the other performances. Can you disagree with us? So was it fair that they were allowed to enter Danz Arena with a piece that resembled one that could pass off easily for a Aatam Nooru Vagai performance. In a way it was greed, in another way, it was just ambition. But these groups have to bear in mind that when they get extra help from outsiders, they totally cut off the winning chances for groups who take the trouble to do everything from costumes to choreography on their own. Whats fair or not, it just falls on deaf ears at the end of the day. Anyways, Dance 2 This have decided to keep the real top 3 aside and award a top 3 for groups who joined this competition with their own effort. Heres the ranking:
1. Mega Geniez
2. Crew Voltage
3. Kali Resurrected
We have to give credit where its due and for our top 3 pick, they would have been the winners if not for the real top 3. So kudos to the mentioned teams! We really enjoyed your performances!
Danz Arena is a classic example of biting off more than one can chew. We received news from backstage that the organizers’ were rushing for time before the show started. Last Danz Arena started 1.5 hours late. This year, despite it being held in NUS UCC, it still started 1 hour later (half and hour improvement. Hopefully at this rate, Danz Arena Y2K12 will start on time).
There are a couple of factors that we would like to address;
1. No Minimum or Maximum Number of Dancers
What is the difference between a team of 6 and a team of 16, dancing at full energy keeping all other factors constant?
The Impact created.
In an audience point of view, it’s always nicer watching more people rather then lesser. The vibrancy and the reach to the audience would feel more apt for such a huge stage. First of all, we do not know if the dancers were informed that the UCC stage would be that enormous (We can’t presume everyone to know this fact). If the organizers had placed a rule, say, 10 (min) to 14 (max) dancers per team then they would have a standard factor to work with. If you had realized, the Top 3’ers for Danz Arena Y2K9 had 10 to 15 members in their team. The stage looked filled up and the power of the performance was amplified.
2. Exterior Factors
Factors like Urumi Melam players. Could have there been a rule imposed AGAINST bringing exterior, non members into a dance? Does this mean that since they were richer (to hire) these people, they brought a better impact and thus, they created much much much bigger of an appeal to the audience? Does money now play a factor to reaching the audience better? And does it mean that even if a team wanted to bring in exterior factors to help strengthen their performance, and they did not have the money, does this mean they have to lose out to teams that did? It would be different if teams got their own members to play the drums, which would have been more appropriate and better showmanship of their respective groups. Teams like Pretty Boys and Transitionz, just to name a few, played their own beat and it was a more commendable effort compared to those who brought in professional drum beaters. What do you, the public, feel about this?
3. Video Re-Cap on Groups for Danz Floor.
The Dance 2 This Crew felt that the video recap bits played before the teams entered was really nicely done. It refreshed the minds of those who came for Danz Floor and gave the ones who didn’t come a better view of who the group was. Very nicely edited with the after-interviews and such. Keep it going!
4. Well selected Judges
Compared to last year’s controversial judges, this years pick was more qualified and fair.
To the General Public:
The reason why we comment on the Organizers as well is because we feel that they are a huge factor for the care of Dancers and Audience alike. They are responsible for both the welfare of the competitors and entertainment of the viewers. And just as it sounds, it is a very tough responsibility for them to juggle both. In naming what we liked and what we don’t, it gives their own organization and other organizations a chance to rectify their own movements such that both performers and viewers enjoy themselves to their maximum on the day of the event. This does not mean that the organizers were bad or unprofessional. Events are bound to have glitches here and there but at the end of the day it is about the show moving smoothly.
With that, we think its safe to say that Gk Productions gave a very commendable effort on their part in putting up the years most awaited dance competition. For all your hard work and sweat put into this, A HUGE SHOUTOUT to all the employees and of course to the employer, MR GK as well. Fantastic spirit and a job well done!
With that we conclude this years Danz Arena’s Reviews! Goodnight!